Review:First Love Matters so does the Second by Vishal Sah

First of all a very big thanks to Tushti Bhatia, Author Paradise and Vishal Sah for a signed review copy. Well, this is a debut novel of Mr. Vishal who is currently pursuing his bachelor degree from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Initial Impression:
Book cover seems quite simple yet attractive. I also got an attractive bookmark in the book. It has approx. 120 pages which made it a quick read so I finished it in a single round of reading. When I read the blurb I thought that the story will be same like other teenage love story but when I read it, I found the real story.
First Love Matters so does the Second is a debut novel of Vishal Sah and falls under romance genre. Almost half of the story is a first person narrative of Vishal who is a cancer patient. The story mainly revolves around him and his friends Shaurya, Myra, Ananya, Vedika, Shreya, and Aarohi. He remembers his school life and mentions how he met his first crush and get failed to express his feelings at the right time for which he regrets and then how he met her second love. From the bond between Vishal and Shaurya to expectations of Vishal’s parents towards him. From his love life with Shreya to Unexpected illness, Author has tried to narrate mixed emotions and it seems like a well-done job. The story was flowing well when events turned in a manner that his life, along with others change drastically.
Author has tried to put some humor at some place which actually curved a smile on reader’s face. Though the story is quite simple and with a predictable narration but yet not boring. All in all, he has tried to bind the readers with the whole storyline by keeping it simple.
Author has also tried to portray various emotions through his story. It is a story I think every college goer can easily connect with.
·         Simple and easy to read. The narration style is very simple so does the language.
·         Use of humor is quite impressive. Author has also tried to put some great effort in use of phrases and dialogue delivery.
·         A great effort of narrating a fresh story on an old story plot.
·         Grammatical errors at some point have faded the flow of the story.
·         Editing could have been done more keenly.
·         Use of long and unwanted sentences could be avoided.
In perspective of a debut book, it has a new and quite an attractive story on the same old school teenager's love plot. Author has instilled all his effort to make it simple and easy to understand. It is a story which actually takes its readers on a joyride of emotions and brings back to their school days. A simple story of an average boy who taught some serious lessons of life through his experiences. It is quite a thin book in terms of pages so one can easily read it in a single round. So if you want to read a quick read and want to go back to your old school days then I’m sure you will not regret with this book.
Exclusively available on Amazon and various bookstores near you for about Rs.199 so you can grab your copy from there.
Book cover: 3/5
Story-line: 3.35/5
Characterization: 2.45/5
Overall Rating: 3.45/5


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