Review: Only Wheat not White by Varsha Dixit

I got one of its review copy through ‘The Book Club’ in return of my honest review so thanks a lot to Rubeena Ramesh for a kindle copy. It was in e-book format that took me more time to finish it. But now as I’ve finished it so here is my take on the book ‘Only Wheat not White’.
Initial Impression:
If I talk about initial impression then I was not so interested in reading it at first because I prefer paperback over an e-book but moreover if I found any Story’s blurb interesting then I try to give a second thought about reading it but as usual it was an e-book so I hadn’t got a chance to the read the blurb. Book title and cover though seem quite attractive which actually forced me to go through this book.
Story starts with a girl ‘Eila’ who immigrates from India to work in New York, there her mom sets only one rule for her- Only Wheat not White. Eila Sood, a girl who is funny, quirky, mouthy, spunky, in her own way and loving. She sometimes calls herself ‘trouble magnet’. As the story starts rolling I found the reason behind the title, Eila’s sister ‘Sheela’ marries a non-wheat guy or you can say a white guy ‘Steve’ against the will off her family which causes the breakup of her with her family. That’s why Eila’s mom strictly warned her to not repeat the same mistake again. Elia stays with her sister in New York in hope of bridging the gap between Sheela and her mother after her mother suffers a stroke back in India. But when she comes to know that Sheela’s marriage and life are falling apart then she get shocked. She tries to support her financially and bring her life back on track and in this process she meets Brett Wright, the blue eyed ogre and the owner of the restaurant where she works. Brett develops some feelings towards her and most of the time rescues her out of troubles.
Authoress has done a very great job with every character’s characterization that’s why the whole story-line becomes very interesting that forced me to scroll down through every page. All in all the style and narration is very smooth and flowing, language used is also fresh and invoking.
·         A very fresh and different kind of story plot in a contemporary romance genre.
·         Characterization is done in way that bind the readers to the book.
·          Use of humor at places also keeps the pace of story and reader don’t get bored.
·         The author has keenly observed the Indian society and narrated that how traditionally Indian mindset prefer wheat over white or Indian over a foreigner for marriage and what difficulties a couple faces in love marriage.
·         Starting was a little slow but as the story geared up the joyride gets started.
·         Elia’s point of view towards her life actually took away the essence of romance depth at some point of time.

‘Only Wheat not White’ is very new and different kind of romance genre story which one can surely give a shot.  Though it took me some extra time to read it but it totally depends on your reading speed that how fast you can finish it.  Story is humorous and romantic at the same point of time so one will not get bored and read it thoroughly. If you want to read a fresh and different kind of romantic novel then you can unhesitatingly go with this book. Available on Amazon so you can grab a copy from there. 

Story-Line: 3.56/5
Narration Style: 4/5
Overall Rating: 3.85/5
